Impact of HCI on society

Mobile phones/touch screens: mobile phones has made communicating a lot easier, mobile phones have enabled people to communicate without having to be connected to something by a wire. Touch screen technology has meant that mobile phones no longer need buttons, however most still have some buttons. The impact of this on society means that people can now communicate to anyone, anywhere, whenever they want.
Games Controllers: Game controllers are specifically designed and optimised for playing games with. Playing games supposedly improve dexterity, hand-eye coordination and promote social interaction. This has an impacted society because game controllers have increased popularity in gaming, this is because using a specialised controller, for example a steering wheel, makes the game feel a lot more like real life
Changing Rooms: changing rooms have had an impact on society because they now enable people to take pictures of them and send it to their friends so that they can give an opinion on it. This means that the shop will most likely sell more clothes.
Flexible phones: flexible phones have not yet been released however they have the potential to impact on society a lot. Flexible phones have the feature of being able to change into different things for example a watch, a tablet or an ear piece. This impact on society is that this means that people will not have to carry have multiple things because it will all be done on one device.
Improved usability/user friendliness: improved usability has impacted society because technology has to be very easy to use otherwise it doesn’t get brought. This has an impact on society because it means everyone can use technology no matter how computer literate you are, meaning an increase in the popularity of gadgets and other technology. This has also impacted people with disabilities because most technology has now been modified so that everybody can use it.
Input/output: input/output has had a huge impact on society because it means that data can now be shared very quickly and easily from one computer to another. This has impacted on society because data can be stored externally which means if a computer breaks you can now still have all your data saved. Input/output technology has also meant that other devices can now be charged by being plugged into a computer.
Domestic appliance displays: The displays on domestic appliances have developed a lot. Lots of displays now have touch screens and the displays are mainly pictures. This has impacted on society because it means that everything is a lot quicker when doing something on a domestic appliance, also people with disabilities can now use domestic appliances with ease, for example someone who is visually impaired no longer has to read text because most appliance have clear pictures.
Remote Control: remote control enables the user to control something like a small car or helicopter from huge distances with something as simple as a joy stick. This has impacted society because not only can anybody use it by just walking into a shop but recently remote control drones have been used in the army which means they can be piloted from thousands of miles away. This means that there is no danger to the pilots and also it is cheaper to run.
Data Logging: a standard data logger is a handheld device which is capable of analysing and storing data about the environment around it. Data loggers can send data by either a cable or a wireless link. They are also very strong so they can handle being left in a hostile environment. This has impacted on society because data loggers can act like a weather station as they are able to measure things like wind speed, wind direction, humidity and temperature, however the advantage of a data logger is that it can be left unattended and lots of them can be placed which would then feedback into a database which means much more accurate weather predictions.
Fly by wire: fly by wire is a computer controlled aeroplane, the aeroplane will be piloted as usual however if the pilot does something that would usually cause the aeroplane to crash the computer will kick in and assist the pilot. This would have an effect on society because it would make aeroplanes a lot safer and also it would put a lot more confidence it the public about flying which would probably then lead to more people flying in aeroplanes.
Head up display: a head up display is a display which is projected on to a visor or some sort of see-through material and it would show vital information. Head up displays are increasingly being used in cars; the display will show things like speed, petrol and cruise control/speed limiter. this would have an impact on society because it means in cars the driver will no longer have to take their eyes off the road to view this information which means driving will be much safer and less crashes will happen.


  1. This post explains fully and very well about impacts of HCI on society.The text size in the paragraphs is a tad to small, i would make it one or two size bigger just to make it clearer, it stands out from the background rather well as the font is white and the background is white. the colour could be changed or even replaced with an image which could make the blog more interesting. the colours would work for people who are colour blind as its a greyscale blog. there have been no images used so maybe you should add some just to make it a little bit more interesting :D. There are no features on the blog for to enjoy :(. there is alot you can do to make it better, for starters you could inject some colour, images and add some good features. It is very easy to navigate but i found it hardd to find this user. very easy to comment on.

    Sorry SAM if there are mistakes :D

  2. it does talk about the impact on society, economy and culture so it does fill the requirements. the text is to small for people with visual impairments but the colour being black and the background being white stands out. there are no images. there are some very good features like the blog archive which allows you to access all posts from the side bar. the blog is very easy to navigate scrolling up and down and clicking on the title to view all posts. it is very easy to input on the blog with the post comment. the blog is suitable for a wide audience but the text needs to be bigger.

    1. yes I agree the paragraphs size is to small but very usefull information though :)

  3. well i think this is mint so dont diss the font size, WHO DO U FINK U R?

  4. If you cannot see font hold ctrl and use scroll button on mouse lol!!

  5. 1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.
