Impact of HCI on economy

Impact of HCI on economy
Speed up inputs: The speed reader m70 is designed to reduce queuing times in shops. It does this scanning barcodes on items much quicker and much more accurately. Since the speed reader has no moving parts it is a lot less likely to break down. This would impact the economy because with this new technology more people would go to the shop as they wouldn’t be queuing for as long as they used to be. Also another impact is that the throughput is much higher/faster.
Reduce complexity of inputs: Reduce the complexity is a main aim when designing any piece of technology. For example with technology in cars it must be kept simple so that the user can still use it while driving. Reducing the complexity on inputs would impact the society because some people may be choosing not to buy something because they think it would be too complicated so making something simple would increase the amount that are sold.
Increase automation/automatic judgement of outputs: with increased automation this means the company won’t have to employ as many people which means the company will be saving a lot more money. Because of this they can then sell their products cheaper. However, this also means there will be fewer employees so people won’t have money to buy things.
Text readers: a text reader allows you to type text into a box and then it will read it out loud for you. This has an impact of the economy because people with speech impairments will be able to hold presentations. The would also break the speech barrier if you got one which translated as well which would mean that people who didn’t speak perfect English would also be able to hold presentations and may get more jobs. The impact on the economy is that it has increased the productivity of workers with a speech impediment.
Voice input: voice input is where speech recognition hardware will be installed into things like elevators meaning that you can just say ‘open’ and the elevator doors will open. This will impact the economy because it will make simple everyday things a lot quicker meaning the productivity will increase in the work place.
Thought input: Thought input will allow a user to control something just by thinking it, for example a wheelchair. The impact on the economy will be that disabled people will now be able to do activities and work easier than before. Meaning that more disabled people will get employed as their productivity will be increased
Mobile communications: mobile communications has allowed people to communicate with other people around the world. Mobile communications has made developed into a huge industry. This has affected the economy because a huge amount of jobs have been created, making, fixing and selling phones.